Tough, Caring Lawyers with a Commitment to Honesty and the Ethical Practice of Law

– The law explained to you precisely in a simple straightforward language.
– Following a consultation with us, you will know the law, how it applies to your case, and your honest chances of success.
– Complete and absolute honesty towards you.
– Never a promise that we cannot keep.
– Never a false hope in order to induce you to sign a retainer.
– Effective and complete communications with you.
– Your questions answered, your anxieties relieved.
– Attorneys who are completely knowledgeable in the law with years of experience as both government and defense attorneys.
– We know the law inside out. No one is more knowledgeable about the law than — Varzandeh Anderson LLP.
– Varzandeh Anderson LLP is a law firm dedicated to the ethical practice of law.